Friday, December 31, 2010

Home at Last!!!

Home at last!  Most new parents get to bring their babies home just days after they were born, as you know from my last post, however, we did not.

When we were first admitted into Primary Children's Hospital we were told that they were going to wait a week before they did Callum's surgery and after that he would be in the CICU for at least 7-10 days then he would be moved upstairs to the Children's Surgical Unit for another 7 days before he could come home.  So we were not expecting our little guy to come home before the New Year.  Callum, on the other hand, had other plans.  His chest was closed much sooner than the surgeons expected and he continued to do so well that they moved him upstairs, again, much sooner than the doctors and surgeons expected, and then my little angel only had to stay there for two days before they sent him home.

He came home on December 23, 2010 just 8 days after open heart surgery.  He is the best Christmas gift I have ever received, and it was great to spend our first Christmas as a family at home instead of in the Hospital.

 I got to the Hospital at 7:30am on December 23, 2010 so that I could be there when the doctor's made their rounds; that is when they told me for sure that he could come home that day.
 He had to come home with both the feeding tube and Oxygen, but it was worth it to have him home for Christmas.
 This is the first time he sat in his car seat.  They had to check is Oxygen saturation while sitting in it because some babies do not tolerate the change of position well.  Needless to say, Callum is a superstar and he did great!
 This is his cute little going home outfit!  I was so happy it fit him, I was worried that the newborn sizes would be to small for my big little guy.

 This time he was NOT happy to be put in his seat, but he got over it really quickly and slept all the way home and then ALL day.  He did not sleep well that night.  However, I have become spoiled with the feeding tube because my 3 week old baby sleeps through the night because he doesn't need to eat.

 Soooo happy I finally get to take my baby home!
 He is so sweet when he sleeps.
 Our first Christmas!  Brigham let me put up my tiny tree this year, for the first time!  I guess having a child put him a little more into the Christmas spirit :)

 He has the best facial expressions!

 Brigham got a sweet basketball signed by this years Utah Jazz... he is spoiled.

 First attempt at our first Christmas family photo...
 ... A little better...
 ... And a little better (Brigham is not holding that over Callum, it is actually on the back of the couch but the angle is weird)
 So cute!
 Merry Christmas!
 I love it when he sleeps like this with his hands just hanging down.
 Brigham is so cute with Callum

 This is how he sleeps, it is so funny
 Callum all wrapped up after his first bath at home... he did not like it.
 Look how fuzzy his hair is!  This is what it is like when it is clean

 I had to take a picture of Callum in this outfit, my sweet Nannie gave this to me so I had to put him in it :)
 This is our first outing since he has been home; we went to see his pediatrician on December 29, 2010.
 He is not so sure about the hat, but I think it is adorable!
 Again with the hands... so funny
 Hahahaha!  Hands!  Also, we went to our first follow up visit to the hospital on December 30, 2010 and he was able to come off his Oxygen, Yay!  Now we just have to get rid of the feeding tube and it will be back to normal baby life :)

I love my little guy so much and I know that angels have been sent to us to help us get through the tough times.  I am so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life that have been so supportive of our little family.  Happy New Year to everyone and may we all be an angel to those in need around us.


  1. Cute pictures. His facial expressions totally teeming me of you two. Cute tiny tree!

  2. Love the pics and the story! Looks like those hands are trying to fly away while sleeping :-)

  3. yay, I am so glad he is home! Thanks for putting up so many pictures, I love him!!!!

  4. congratulations! What a blessing and a relief that he is home so you guys can move forward with life.

    Slim Shady in da hisouse!
